Planned Giving for the SS VIRGINIA V

By making a gift through your estate, you provide support that ensures the VIRGINIA V’s survival as one of our most cherished maritime icons. Help keep her steaming for the next 100 years!

Estate giving offers tax benefits (such as an income-tax deduction) and the opportunity to support current programs, add to an endowment or provide funding for capital improvements. In addition, you or your heirs may receive various financial advantages, including significant tax benefits.

When you make a legacy commitment of any size, we also welcome you as a lifelong member of the Virginia V Legacy Club. As a member, you’ll receive the following benefits: (link)

Ways to Make a Planned Gift

  • Remember the VIRGINIA V your will or living trust: See sample bequest language.
  • Designate the VIRGINIA V as a beneficiary: Of your IRA, 401(k), bank or investment account, or other asset.
  • Gifts of property: a vacation home, commercial property or undeveloped land. You may even donate your home and continue to live there for the rest of your lifetime.

Take the First Steps

Seek the advice of a financial or legal adviser to determine the best option for you. If you need help identifying and adviser, please let us know!

Complete the form to inform us of your plans or to request more information.

If you include the Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

  • Legal Name: The Steamer Virginia V Foundation 
  • Federal Tax ID #: 91-0989160

For more information, please contact Alicia Barnes at or by mail at The Steamer Virginia V Foundation, PO Box 9566, Seattle, WA 98109.

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