Making History One Voyage at a Time

About the Foundation

OUR MISSION is to promote the Puget Sound's maritime heritage through the restoration, preservation, operation, and interpretation of the National Historic Landmark vessel S.S. VIRGINIA V.

In 1968 a group of steamboat enthusiasts formed the Northwest Steamship Company. They raised funds to buy the Virginia V and pursued the steamer's status as a historic landmark vessel. The ship was placed on the National Registry of Historic Sites in 1973.

In 1976 the group formed the Steamer Virginia V Foundation as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization to continue preservation the Virginia V with a goal of making her seaworthy once again.

In the mid-1990s, the Foundation began a six-year, $6.5 million stem-to-stern restoration project. Their work earned the Washington State Historical Society’s “David Douglas Award” in 2001 for the restoration work completed to-date.

In 2002, the Foundation put the Virginia V back in service 80 years after her first voyage. She remains operational thanks to the hard work of volunteer staff. Ongoing maintenance and repairs are possible thanks to financial support from loyal members and generous donations from people like you.


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Our Team

Foundation Staff

Alicia Barnes 
Executive Director

Ed Brown
Senior Docent

Captain Erik Teevan  
Senior Captain

Mark Miller  
Finance Manager

Jeff Deren 
Director of Engineering

Kierstan Craft
Director of Marketing and Membership

Lucy Walker
Volunteer Coordinator

Board of Directors

Kyle Holt

Jeff Deren
Vice President & Secretary

David Allais



Brian Johnson

Peter Proctor

Sterling MacKinnon

Ross Abbot

John Bishop

Nichole Martin


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