Making History One Voyage at at Time

About the Ship

The S.S. VIRGINIA V made her maiden voyage on June 11, 1922 as part of the Mosquito Fleet that connected coastal towns along South Puget Sound. The fleet transported crops and livestock from farms on Vashon Island and ferried people between growing port cities of Seattle and Tacoma. The VIRGINIA V herself maintained the route between Seattle and Tacoma from 1922 to 1938. Today, the S.S. VIRGINIA V is the last of the Mosquito Fleet. Her all-wood construction and steam engine make her a National Historic Landmark vessel.

About the Foundation

Founded in 1976, the mission of The Steamer Virginia V Foundation is to promote the Puget Sound's maritime heritage through the restoration, preservation, operation, and interpretation of the National Historic Landmark vessel S.S. VIRGINIA V.


Our Team

Foundation Staff

Alicia Barnes
Executive Director

Ed Brown
Senior Docent

Mark Miller
Finance Manager

Captain Erik Teeven
Senior Captain

Jeff Deren 
Director of Engineering

Kierstan Craft
Director of Marketing and Membership

Lucy Walker
Volunteer Coordinator

Board of Trustees

Kyle Holt

Jeff Deren
Vice President/ Secretary

David Allais

Brian Johnson

Sterling MacKinnon

Peter Proctor

Ross Abbot

John Bishop

Nichole Martin




Our Ship's Crew

Deck Positions

Doug Brusig
Erik Teevin


Ed Brown



Engineering Positions

Chief Engineers

Kelly Thomas
Connie Buhl
Serge Balian
Nathan Miller

Designated Engineers

Mairi Dulaney
Garrett Holt
Kyle Holt
Tom Olson

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