
Save the SS VIRGINIA V and promote the Puget Sound’s maritime heritage while raising your company’s visibility by sponsoring the Foundation’s 2025 events.

Sponsor Recognition:

Presenting Sponsor - One available per event

  • Prominent recognition and corporate logo on shipboard signage
  • Prominent recognition in our marketing materials and social media
  • Recognition during the Captain’s announcements to passengers
  • Recognition on our website (www.virginiav.org)
  • Four complimentary tickets to the sponsored event/cruise

Supporting Sponsor - Up to three available per event

  • Recognition and corporate logo on shipboard signage
  • Two tickets to the sponsored event/cruise
  • Recognition on our website (www.virginiav.org)


Contact Alicia Barnes at alicia@virginiav.org to reserve your sponsorship today.

Sponsorship Options:

$2,500–Presenting Sponsor 

$1,000–Supporting Sponsor

2025 Sponsorship Opportunitiesvisits to ports around the Puget Sound, Healthcare workers appreciation cruises, VIRGINIA V Birthday cruise, Seafair Holiday cruise, and public holiday season cruises.

Sponsorships, like any donation, are tax-deductible. Please note each sponsorship includes tickets to public events that vary in fair market value. Our Employer ID is 91-0989160.

Examples of Exposure Benefits for Sponsors:

Event emails branded with "Presenting Sponsor"

Emails are sent before and after every one of our public cruises to every ticket holder. In 2024, both emails had incredibly high open rates: 84% for the pre-event emails and 80.5% for the post event emails.

Sample Event pre-event email

Website & Event Landing Page

These pages are visited by members, volunteers, and the general public looking for more information about our specific cruises. Additionally, sponsors will be included on our scrolling bar at the bottom of our homepage.

Sample Event Landing Page

Bottom of Website Home Page

Print Newsletter

We mail a paper newsletter to all of our member and volunteers 2 times a year. Each mailing goes out to 600+ individuals.

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