Sample Bequest Language

Bequests are vital to the SS VIRGINIA V's continued operation in the Puget Sound.

The wording of a bequest provision will vary depending upon the type of gift you desire to make and whether such a gift may be restricted.  Examples of appropriate language are written below.  In all cases, you should consult with a qualified attorney who can review your goals in light of applicable federal and state laws and draft your will to reflect your specific wishes.  It is also important to consult with the Steamer Virginia V Foundation if you are considering a restricted gift to ensure that the proposed restriction can be honored.

“I give to [The Steamer Virginia V Foundation], a Washington state nonprofit corporation, _______________ (property or dollar amount).”

“I give to [The Steamer Virginia V Foundation], a Washington state nonprofit corporation, (all or a percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”

“I give to [The Steamer Virginia V Foundation], a Washington state nonprofit corporation, _______ per cent of my estate.”

If you include the Steamer Virginia V Foundation in your will, please let us know.  This provides us with the opportunity to acknowledge your bequest intention and invite you to join the Virginia V Legacy Club so that you can enjoy its lifetime membership benefits. If desired, the Steamer Virginia V Foundation representatives are available to meet with you and your advisers to assist in your charitable gift planning goals. All inquiries will be held in strict confidence.

The Steamer Virginia V Foundation Tax ID# 91-0989160

For more information, please contact Alicia Barnes at 206.624-9119 or or by mail at The Steamer Virginia V Foundation, PO Box 9566, Seattle, WA 98109.

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